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We help content creators turn insights into actions

Artificial intelligence data models to predict content performance

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Ensure the success of your headline BEFORE it is published!!! can predict the performance of titles in Google Search, Google Discover, anticipate if it is in Google Trends and suggest improvements.

This public model works with 80% accuracy for the Argentine market on topics of politics, economy and general affairs.

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76% to 82%

Precision in predicting classes with just the Headline


Match between highly probably successful and real world data

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SmartStory is an ideal assistant when it comes to optimizing our content for search engines. When we apply their recommendations we detect, most of time, new traffic peaks after they awaken the interest of the audiences.

Pablo Hamada, La Gaceta de Tucumán

It's addictive. They've created a monster. It's important to have these typ with our contentes of tools that help us reach more people.

Leo Rearte, Los Andes de Mendoza


Reach us out if you need more info

  • Data Collection

    We take the data from original sources.

  • Analize

    We create predictive models based on historical data and current signals.

  • Predict

    We have an accuracy that ranges between 79% and 81% in predicting the performance of CTR in content.

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